Harris Tweed Coin Purses

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Uist Wool have collaborated with skilled Harris Tweed weaver Taobh Tuath Tweeds to create a range of stunning cloths that show off the natural beauty of our yarns. Our Harris Tweeds are woven with Uist Wool yarn.

Taobh Tuath Tweeds uses a heritage Hattersley loom to weave single-width cloth of exemplary quality. We commission very small batches of this exclusive cloth and are very proud that it bears the distinctive Harris Tweed branding.

A range of compact coin purses have been produced for us by small-scale textile manufacturers Kalopsia Collective, a social enterprise based in Leith, working to make textiles more ethical and sustainable.

Currently there are three patterns available in the Harris Tweed Coin Purses -  soft grey herringbone of DEALT/Dew; classic dark herringbone of SGADAN/Herring and the light, bright tones of SALANN/Salt. 

Coin Purse 110mm x 110mm


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