We've been making some changes around here.
Welcome to the new look Uist Wool website and brand! We hope you'll make yourself comfortable here.
It's been 5 years since we nervously opened the doors to our Wool Centre and website and began retailing our freshly milled yarns in earnest. 5 years, and a lot of steep learning curves, which we're proud to say that we've met and adapted accordingly. Bracing ourselves for the next 5 years, and all the new challenges that will bring, we're equipped with a very shiny new website and branding from the excellent team at Jamhot, with grateful thanks to Highlands and Islands Enterprise for their financial support.
All of our wonderful products have stayed the same, and you should still be able to find them easily on the new site. Indeed, we hope that you'll find that very little has really changed.
The main changes have been in switching to a new content management system, in this case from Wordpress to Shopify, where we hope that all the background wizardry will be much simpler and will significantly reduce the amount of admin that we have to do from day to day, giving us more time to focus on the woolly side of life.
Changing our brand was a hard decision for us. We're very attached to the lovely delicate star and crooks logo created by Kristina Low, however, as we've navigated new media and formats it hasn't always been able to keep up, so we opted for a complete change. And we're thrilled with the update; bold, clear and simple, we know that the new brand will come with us as we navigate our future in wool, yarn and textiles.
We hope you like it too?