We partner with some of Scotland's leading makers & creators to produce beautiful products from Uist Wool.

Woven in the Bone
There's only one person we want to weave our Canach weaving yarns; Sam Goates of Woven in the Bone has an extraordinary sympathy with landscape, texture, colour and form. Her eye for design means that we entrust our yarns to her and await the results with very little input from ourselves. Sam is truly an Artisan, and in our opinion one of the best weavers in Scotland, if not further afield.
"My heritage is the landscape and rich culture of Scotland. Inspiration for my cloth can come from natural, industrial, urban and contemporary environments. I follow a well trodden path that continues to draw connections between the diverse Scottish landscape and the cloth that I make."

Ardalanish Weavers
Our Calanas blankets and Ceangail scarves are woven by our friends Ardalanish Weavers, based on the Isle of Mull. Their commitment to using heritage machinery means quality and consistent results, and we can rely on them to understand the subtleties of working with undyed yarns.
We weave using Victorian Dobcross power looms, of the type that have helped sustain the British textile industry for over a hundred years. Although slower than modern looms, they enable us to maintain the highest quality by overseeing every inch of cloth produced.
We aim for quality over quantity, paying close attention to every detail at each stage of the production process. The result is that whatever the garment our finished tweeds and knits will keep their shape and, cared for properly, should last for generations."

Taobh Tuath Tweeds
" Born and raised in Harris, Rebecca Hutton is an independent weaver designing and making fabric in her loom shed in Northton just as generations before her have done."
We commission Becca to weave all our Harris Tweeds. Based in her wee shed in the garden, she produces impressive quality every time. Uist Wool tweeds are the only Harris Tweeds produced from undyed yarns, and Becca knows how to get the most out of each set of yarns that we send.
Schofield Dyers & Finishers
All of our scarves, wraps and blankets are finished by Schofield Dyers & Finishers. Based in Galashiels, they have a long tradition of finishing Scottish textiles, and their knowledge and experience shows.

Harris Tweed
Harris Tweed has a long and unique history in local production and brand protection. The Outer Hebrides has been benefitting from the Orb's presence for generations.
"The rare character and beauty of HARRIS TWEED is attributable to the fact that it is the only fabric produced in commercial quantities by truly traditional methods anywhere in the world. Hundreds of distinctive patterns developed over the centuries, each unique but unmistakably HARRIS TWEED with its characteristic subtle designs in complex natural shades." (Harris Tweed Authority)
Uist Wool have collaborated with skilled Harris Tweed weaver Taobh Tuath Tweeds to create a range of stunning cloths that show off the natural beauty of our yarns.
Our Harris Tweeds are woven with Uist Wool yarn. This gives them several unique qualities that really make them stand out. Our yarns are spun from undyed, locally sourced wool with provenance, on heritage machinery giving them a distinct individual character. Taobh Tuath Tweeds uses a heritage Hattersley loom to weave single-width cloth of exemplary quality. We commission very small batches of this exclusive cloth and are very proud that is bears the distinctive Harris Tweed branding.

Our range of small accessories are produced for us by small-scale textile manufacturers Kalopsia Collective, a social enterprise based in Leith, Edinburgh working to make textiles more ethical and sustainable. Their neat and clean designs show off our simple tweeds at their best.
"Kalopsia Collective has developed an innovative 'Assemble' manufacture model with sustainable circular business in mind. By retaining the maximum amount of textiles surplus and knowledge in this closed loop production system, Kalopsia has drastically improved the environmental, social and economic impact of their manufacturing and that of their clients. Kalopsia's aim is to reclaim the human, economic and natural resources that otherwise get lost in today's linear production system. Kalopsia believes that it is by fostering internal and external business ecosystems such as this, that they will as an industry, continue to excel commercially without over-producing and damaging resources."